Common sense
I’ve often been referring to common sense in my writing. I had some unconscious understanding of it…but I have never checked how it is defined.
From Wikipedia:
Common sense is sound, practical judgment concerning everyday matters, or a basic ability to perceive, understand, and judge in a manner that is shared by nearly all people.
I wonder if over-using the term can push me towards extreme narcissistic personality disorder. I hope not.
Common sense for me is:
Making conscious decisions about when to break the rules or not to follow guidelines.
Being aware of the existence of unknown unknowns. Having a toolset to keep discovering and converting them into known unknowns.
Seeing each new problem through all my past experiences. Not through a content of a single book/article/podcast/opinion.
Deciding when to proceed based on a gut feeling, with just a quick assessment of probabilities. Without over-analyzing.
Adjusting the methods for a given environment. Understanding people factor.
Assuming that I may come up with a better idea next week than today. But that will be ok to adjust.
Not forgetting to adjust.