10 Saboteurs of Positive Intelligence
My friend sent me a link to a test built around the Positive Intelligence book by Shirzad Chamine.
Like all the models, it simplifies the reality, but the results might be insightful.
Besides the 9 Saboteurs visible in the screenshot above, there is one more Master Saboteur: The Judge.
Each of them was born in our early days when they helped us to survive in the world. But once we grew up, they started sabotaging. They manufacture our stress, upset, and other negative emotions.
For me, the most interesting section of the test results is Original Survival Function, which mentions the roots coming from childhood. Most models do not refer to the inner child.
The Cure
Shirzad mentions that we all suffer from Saboteurs, but there are 5 Sage Powers to help us deal with them.
The powers are: Empathize, Explore, Innovate, Navigate, and Activate.
The technique for activating the Sage Power is called PQ Rep, which is the mindfulness kind of thing.
You can read more about them on official website of Positive Intelligence linked below.
Shared fundamentals
What’s also interesting is that the process starts with giving your “problem” a name.
The book Chasing The Invisible mentions that patients become happier after a doctor gives their disease with a name.
When working with Gallup Strengths, you are saying, “My Strategist is now taking control”.
When working with the DISC Model, you may say, “My Commander is over-extending”.
It is aligned with giving feedback, which is “talk about situations and behaviours, not a person”. Here, NVC (Non-Violent Communication) or SBI (Situation-Behaviour-Impact) are helpful.
All of these, detach “person” from “things”. Similarly to some eastern religions, which say “you are not your mind”.
Also in Positive Intelligence model you may say „My Restless Saboteur is now doing something”.
Many models are built on top of the same or similar fundamentals and first principles.
Your go
The test takes about 5-10 minutes to complete. It is fun.
My results
My profile: Rafal’s Saboteur Assesment Results
Having a strong Restless Saboteur aligns with me having 50 different hobbies and a tendency to take on too many projects simultaneously.
Seeing a weak Hyper-Vigilant Saboteur is also aligned with my need for doing some extreme sports. And for learning through mistakes and experimentation.