
Ping me on LinkedIn if you want to:

  • Simply say “Hi”.

  • Ask something.

  • Jump on the video call to talk about work.

  • Hire me.

  • Meet in Wroclaw or Olsztyn (Poland) for a coffee.


My favourite job title:

I prefer focusing on a happy life and learning opportunities more than a job title. It may sound weird, but… “impact” is not the most important for me anymore. I do not hesitate to go down or up the career ladder to do something that matters.

This is the email footer that I like: Engineering Manager.

Simplified career path:

  • 2003 - 2010: Coding teenager and script kiddie

  • 2005 - 2006: IRC bot creator (1000+ users)

  • 2010 - 2015: Software Engineer

  • 2013 - 2016: Co-Founder of a small eCommerce business

  • 2015 - 2021: Manager around product engineering:

    • Job titles: Engineering Manager, Team Leader, Project Manager, Technical Program Manager, Scrum Master, Product Owner, Solutions Architect, Product Discovery Consultant, First-manager-at-startup

    • And in the meantime:

      • 2018 - 2019: Non-engineering consultancy at a manufacturing company

      • 2020 - 2021: Chief Digital Officer

  • 2022 - Now: Manager of Managers around product engineering

Work with me or Hire me?

If you would like me to join your initiative - message me on LinkedIn!

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Common sense driven Engineering Management