The best technique that helps to build software
Assume there are 3 Full Stack Engineers and 1 Product Manager who wants to run a simple eCommerce system. They know Story Mapping.
One approach to planning the delivery
This project will be long and stressful.
Engineers will work on tasks or views in separation.
Testing will happen very late.
Everybody will be pissed off.
Another approach to planning the delivery
Engineers and the Product Manager will collaborate daily.
Testing will happen early.
The quality of this project will be higher.
The whole team will go out to drink a beer and celebrate together at least 3 times.
Story Mapping
I've used story mapping popularised by Jeff Patton for a few years, but I have never read his book. I will do it next week.
It is a technique that all engineers should master, even before Event Storming.
Let me share a few thoughts if you want to try the method:
You do not need to map the whole system. Single Jira Epic is ok.
Focus on Mapping. Not on the "As a... I want... So...".
Building a low-quality map is okay when you’re learning the method and mapping the big picture. Just try a few times.
It is an exercise for a few people. Not just for the Product Manager.
To learn more:
Then, try to map your story of waking up and getting ready for work last morning.