How to write in Jira Dashboards?
Jira Dashboards might be powerful. Especially with a few plugins.
But, there is one super important functionality missing.
Being able to put some text in the dashboard.
Imagine, you want to provide a short explanation above a table or chart explaining how to interpret it. There is no Text or Rich Text gadget available.
Theoretically, there is a free plugin for that. However, the Internet mentions the risk of exposing your Jira instance to more security vulnerabilities by WYSIWYG.
There is a funny workaround:
Create a new Jira Project.
Create a new issue.
In its Description field put what you want to write in the dashboard. You can use RichText here!
In the dashboard, add a Filter Results gadget.
Write JQL finding just this one new issue.
Show only the Description field.
It ain't perfect, but definitely good enough.